ponderosa pine oil for pain

ponderosa pine resin alleviates pain and inflammation from infections and wounds. 

pine resin 
Ponderosa Pine Resin is a great natural remedy for wounds, infections, and lots more.

Some time ago, I did a post on Ponderosa Pine resin. I discussed how the main constituent of pine resin is terpenes (which also gives pine its awesome aroma). Terpenes have been found to be analgesic (pain relieving), antiseptic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory. Please visit this post for a list of studies.

Well, yes! It totally works on painful wounds and infections! This is actually one of those home remedies that has an immediate positive effect.

overflowing resin
Recently, I got scratched by a puppy and the scratch was still hurting and looking very red and swollen the next day, even though I washed it. I applied pine oil to the scratch and within seconds, the pain was gone and the swelling was down. The scratch was fully healed within two days.

Soon after that, I began to develop a "felon" in my pointer-finger nail bed. Now, as a mum, this is a finger I use quite frequently, and I was not prepared to do without. It was really starting to hurt and swell, I applied pine oil (morning and night) to the area. The pain went away immediately. The felon went away within a couple of days.

Make it:


1/2 cup or so of resin chunks
1 cup of non-aromatic carrier oil (I used sweet almond)
glass container

Place the oil and resin in a heat-safe container and heat VERY slowly in a water bath over a low flame. When the resin dissolves into the oil, turn off the heat. Stir. Strain into a glass container and keep in the fridge.

or BUY IT here! 

handmade ponderosa pine oil


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