sonia usmar: contemporary nigerian artist and musician

sonia usmar

Sonia is a contemporary artist and concert pianist living in Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa. Born in Canada, and bred in four countries.

Take a look at her beautiful series of paintings, "African Mats."

Sonia is a diasporan returnee hybrid. 

Africa is a huge hot challenging bowl of extraordinary proportions. A rollercoaster ride where you're always in the front seat. It challenges you at every turn. You have to learn how to swim early.

Africa puts everything forward directly. Unapologetically. All your senses at once awakened. For me this vibrant colour and constant movement and sound is a driving force in my work. When you create something from original thought its a conception and a pure birth. I want to share every life sensation I have felt ......on any canvas. The most of which has been love. 

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African Mats

Sonia did this series of paintings of textiles, with lots of influence from Mali cloths. This series, to me, is a discourse on women's work. Textile production is one of the most ancient known arts, going back to paleolithic times. Textile technology had a similar trajectory as visual art (for example, cave paintings), burgeoning suddenly and contemporaneously in the Upper Paleolithic. They have been a crucial element of human culture ever since.

The marriage of textiles and art in Sonia's paintings seems right, sensible, and timeless.
african mats series

women artists

ancient textiles

nigerian artist

carpet paintings

mali textiles

painted rugs

nigerian painters

contemporary african art

nigerian female artist

black artists

black american painters

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