Basic Lotion Recipe

Bohemian Beauties! 

Here's a lotion recipe that I have been using for many many many years. It's foolproof. I made this lotion using Ponderosa Pine Resin Oil that I recently made and O my god it smells freakin amazing. 

For all you beauties with closed comedone/clogged pore problems: this will work great on your body. Don't use it on your face!


 ¾ cup oil (whatever oil you want. You can also use herb- or resin- or wood-infused oils)
1 cup water (tea, distilled water, hydrosol)
2 tablespoons beeswax (1/2 ounce)
30 drops essential oils if you want

Ponderosa Pine Resin

Ponderosa Resin-infused Sweet Almond Oil
Raw beeswax from Mill Creek Honey

Hydrosol from Wild Root

How to do it

  •  The oil/wax mixture and the water must be at roughly the same temperature to get them to emulsify into a lotion;
  • Add the oil/wax mixture very steadily and slowly into the water so that they will "accept" each other and emulsify. 

First, pour whatever water you decide to use into a glass or cup. Nest the glass or cup in a bowl of lukewarm tap water. The water needs to be room temperature/lukewarm. This procedure will have your water just warm enough by the time you’re ready to start mixing.

Next, in a heat safe measuring cup or glass bowl (like Pyrex), pour in the oil and add the beeswax. Nest the measuring cup in a saucepan of water so the water comes at least halfway up the measuring cup. Over a low flame, heat just until the beeswax melts. Remove cup from saucepan. Cool for a few minutes (3-5). You’ll know it’s cool enough when you see a light light ring of wax forming at the edge. You should just be able to feel the oil with your finger comfortably. Don’t let the mixture cool too much. You’ll have to look closely to see this wax ring forming all around, and as soon as you do, get moving! 

Pic pilfered from What Les Halles
Put the lid on your blender, and remove the center ring. Pour the water you have been warming into the blender through the hole in the lid. Turn the blender on high speed and add the oil/wax mixture slowly through the hole. You must be careful to pour the oil/wax mixture very steadily and slowly. If you pour it too fast, the lotion won't set up.

After about ¾ of the oil/wax mixture has been added, the lotion should begin to set. If you need to, use a chopstick to help the blending process along, being careful not to insert the stick into the moving blades. Add the rest of the oil slowly until the water is incorporated. Sometimes a little water will be left at the top of the lotion, which can be poured off or carefully absorbed with a tissue.

Add essential oils if you like, turning the blender on just long enough to blend. Don’t over-mix. Carefully pour, scoop or spoon out the cream into widemouth jars, label, and refrigerate.

Put it in a pretty jar! It makes an AWESOME holiday gift!