Hot Oil Foot Treatment

Okay. I have dry, crazy feet. I'm so sorry to have to publicize this fact. I've tried everything to make them soft and pretty, but it's an ongoing battle. Pumice stones. Callous shaver. Pedi-friggin-egg. Lotion. Cream. Wax. Oil. blahblahblah... 

So, I started thinking. How's about an oil cleansing for the feet? Shouldn't it work like it does on the face? Yes! It should!

I tried it and I liked it. It's not a magical cure-all, and I don't think I could do this every night, but it's really really nice. And I definitely could do it once a week. It's very luxurious and comforting.

What you need

  • 1/4 cup oil (I used pine-infused sweet almond, but you can use any oil you want)
  • 2 towels
  • hot water
  • 1 large bowl or pot
  • essential oils if desired
 How to do it
  • Place one of the towels on the floor in front of a chair (to catch drips and to dry your feet);
  • Place one of the towels in the bowl and add hot-as-you-can-stand-it tap water until the towel is just saturated but not sopping wet;

  • Sit down and place one foot in the bowl;
  • Wrap the towel around your foot and sit for 5 minutes or so;

  • Towel off that foot and apply a good amount of oil onto it;
  • Massage for at least 10 minutes;

  • Place that foot back in the bowl and wrap the hot towel around it;

  • Let it sit for a few minutes;
  • Remove the oil with the wet towel;
  • Dry and place a cotton sock on that foot;
  • Do the other foot! You may have to get up and change the water first...

It's awesome!


  • Use a biggish towel and a biggish bowl;
  • Swish the towel around in the water and turn it over a few times to keep it hot;
  • Keep a kettle of hot water beside you so you can add more hot water as needed.