Hair Regrowth Journey: Part 1, Conclusions

Okay, peeps. The conclusion is that this did not work for me. I'm sad and discouraged.

Here's my regime: 

See this post for a full description and the theory behind these treatments!

Started March 23, 2013 (left column)
Ended October 14, 2013 (right column)

As you can see, the right column looks VERY similar to the left column. I don't know WHY this regime didn't work. I feel that the soapnuts shampoo I was using caused my hair to become quite brittle. I've had a lot of hair fall the past few months, which may have destroyed any progress I may have been making all along. I don't know.

read more about hair care for thinning hair.


  1. Honestly, I think the salicylic acid is much more likely the cause of your brittle hair than the soap nuts. I know that whenever I use salicylic acid on my face, my facial hair becomes very brittle. Any method of
    hair removal I try (waxing/tweezing/threading/etc.) just breaks the hair off at the surface, leaving the root intact.

    I haven't had problems with thinning hair as much as you've had, but I have found that my hair has become much thicker and fuller since I stopped shampooing it. I just rinse with about 1 tbsp vinegar mixed with 1 cup water. If my hair feels oily (every 7-10 days), I add 1 tbsp clay to the mix. It leaves my hair feeling clean and soft. I never had any luck with going no 'poo using baking soda (left my hair feeling very dry and straw-like), but this works like a charm for me. If I'm feeling really fancy, I'll use rosemary tea instead of water. I know there are other herbs that are supposed to promote hair growth that you could use if you wanted to try this.

    Also, maybe it's a vitamin issue. Biotin is supposed to help with hair and nails, as is MSM and gelatin. (They're also supposed to help with acne, so perhaps your hair issues have the same root cause as your acne? My hormonal acne finally started to improve when I began taking maca root. I wonder if that contributed to my hair health?)

    Don't give up! You'll find the solution!!

    1. Okay, girl, you've given me the inspiration to go on the next leg of my journey. I'll try the vinegar only method. I've never heard of it before, but I'm willing to try anything at this point, especially if it's as simple and basic as this. I've always found that those things work the best anyway!

    2. I don't remember where I read about it, but it was after trying no 'poo with BS and having straw-like hair with gummy roots. Ick! Switching from ACV to white vinegar helped a bit (we have incredibly hard water), but my hair was still dry until I stopped using BS completely.

      It was your blog that convinced me to ditch commercial hair dye and switch to henna. Now I have a line about halfway down my hair-- above the line, henna only, nothing but shine. Below the line, dull and frizzy. I want my hair to grow faster, so I can cut off the dull bits!! I think you're right-- simple and natural is almost always better!

      Hang in there and keep us posted!

    3. Laura, do you think you could do a guest post for us about your experience with the vinegar only shampooing? I've done it once and it was okay. I'm assuming it will get better. Right now I'm doing two washes per week (every 3 days or so) one vinegar only wash and one organic hemp shampoo bar wash. How did you do it? I can't find much info online about vinegar only washes. I'm intrigued!

    4. My family and I have had really good luck with the baking soda to shampoo, and the vinegar to disinfect/condition. And I haven't been experiencing the heavy hair loss like I used to. But my hair is still thin - really thin - on top. I know I can attribute this to hormonal changes, but what encourages the growth? I've only just started the scalp massages. All my net research talk of blood flow to the scalp. I'm desperate enough that if this doesn't work, then next month I'm going to trying hanging upside down with my head off the couch. Get the blood flow REALLY going. I'll continue to check back - best of luck!

    5. O Barely... I FEEL you, lady! I'm getting ready to start another treatment, which is Polysorbate 80 prior to shampooing. I've got high hopes. xx

      Please let us know how you get on with your hair!
