Photo Shoot with the Gorgeous Ashley Dunec

This woman has an incredible look! I happened to have an unexpected day off last week, so i asked Ashley Dunec to do an impromptu shoot. I was looking for catalog images, but Ashley was SO AWESOME and the location we found was SO AWESOME, that these may end up being an editorial after all!

The location:

A place I never knew existed! Gold and 2nd in downtown Albuquerque looks like it's been plucked out of Paris and set down here. Unfortunately, the block was in shadow and we were forced to take the pictures on the corner. Luckily, the cutest shop of all, a French Bistro, is on the corner and looked perfect. PLUS the cool white building across the street was reflected in the restaurant window, making the whole scene look even more European.

The theme:

I initially wanted to go for a businesswoman-with-steez vibe, but changed my mind when I saw Ashley in the wardrobe we picked out. She looked like a Parisian! She looked like a classy world traveler! 

Loved it.

Here are some of the shots.

this one is a little blurry and i'm MAD about it! :(

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