Hair Regrowth Journey: My Solution

About a year after having my baby, I noticed, to my extreme SHOCK AND HORROR that my hair was coming out in clumps. Apparently, this is normal for new mothers. Something ELSE they don't mention before you get pregnant (like the fact that a baby is supposed to in there for 10 months, NOT NINE but that's a whole different story). 

I tried just about everything I could think of including salicylic acid (to unclog hair follicles), hemp oil (to make my sebum more fluid and thereby unclog follicles), polysorbate 80 (to kill DHT), and etc. (hair tonics, stem cells, vitamins, sea kelp, etc. etc. etc.).

I was resistant to trying the ONE THING that has been proven to work on thinning hair for women of a certain age: minoxidil. It seemed too chemical-y and commercial and FOR THE OLDS! Well, I finally broke down and bought myself a 12-month supply of Minoxidil 5% solution.

Lo and behold, it's working. After five months of use, my hair is finally, and for real, growing back in. Here are some pics. The ones on the left side were taken at the beginning of my journey, and the ones on the right were taken this morning. As you can clearly see, the hair on the temples and the crown has filled in almost completely. My hair still looks kind of raggeddy because the new hairs haven't yet grown to the same length as the old hairs, but we're getting there and I'm grateful and relieved. YES!

So here's my routine:

Brushing: Watch Carolyn Evans' scalp brush therapy on youtube. This is where I found out about it, and it's awesome. The basic premise is that you need to stimulate blood flow to the scalp in order for it to be healthy and for the medicine to work better. It makes sense. It feels awesome. My hair looks great. I do this once a day, in the PM before I apply my minoxidil. I'm hesitant to do it in the AM because I lose a few hairs each time, and I'm just nervous about losing too many. I see no reason why you can't do this twice a day, but I'm just askeered.

I use a rubber tipped, flat brush and brush the hair, gently at first, getting all the tangles out. Then I use a little more pressure and brush the scalp for maybe 2 minutes. She suggests doing it for 10 minutes, but I don't have time for all that. A couple minutes a day is working great for me. Then I put my minoxidil on.

Minoxidil Application: Once in the AM and once in the PM. get 1 ounce of the stuff in your dropper. Gently and carefully apply it all over your scalp. I concentrate on the temples and crown. Here's another of Carolyn's vids showing how it's done. It dries pretty quickly, dripping is minimal, and it only takes a few seconds.

read more about hair care for thinning hair.

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